The way to be beneficial for humanity is through science. It is one of the most sacred purposes to serve and contribute to the maximum extent of the scientific world, which is the owners of knowledge. One way of making contributions to the world of science is to publish scientific studies and to make them available to the world of science. Perhaps, with this regard, one of the most important of various ways is academic journals. Qualified journals are a means of presenting scientific studies to the benefit of the scientific world, and the primary objective is to take part among these journals. The first step to achieve this objective is to strive for quality of publications and to advance the quality of publications by taking the example of the most advanced journals inside the academy. In this way, it is among the purposes to present the publications of those doing academic studies to the benefit of the scientific world quickly. The most important reason for this is that the world of science is in a race in the present age and that the ideas, thoughts, and scientific studies rapidly change their shape, and there is a lack of benefit in case of delay due to the developing technology and rapidly changing social environment. While fulfilling this goal, quality will never be compromised.
While trying to increase the quality, it is necessary to progress in the expertizing area and to work in a more limited area in order to prevent the distribution of subjects. Since economics, politics, and management are related domains, the scope of the journal has been determined as economics, politics, business, finance, and management.
The Journal of Academic Value Studies publishes original texts in disciplinary and interdisciplinary fields of science: macroeconomics, microeconomics, economic history, international economics, agricultural economics, environmental economics, energy economics, health economics, health management, tourism economics, international trade, fiscal science, banking and insurance, business, accounting, finance, organization, marketing, management information systems, public administration, urban and environmental policies, social work, and international relations.
Another aim in line with the above main objectives is to become a journal recognized internationally. For this reason, an international editorial board has been established. A coordinated work is carried out to become an internationally qualified journal with the help of assistant editors and a highly qualified editorial board.
Finally, by technical specifications, DOI, plagiarism controls, arbitration system of double-blind peer review, the existence of the English interface and English article managing system, etc., meticulously fulfilling the requirements of being one of the most important journals at international level and thus increasing the quality are among the main objectives