Registration and Upload Process

New Registration

In order to upload and follow up your studies or to support scientific studies as a reviewer, you must first register as a member. You can use the new membership button at the top of the journal website to register as a new member. Please check that you have written your e-mail address completely, as your e-mail information will be your username in the next steps. To upload an article, please select the author option in the membership type section when registering as a member. When you click the save button to complete your member registration, you will receive a notification that your member registration has been completed. Your registration will be done with the approval of the editor. It is recommended by our editorship that the e-mail address used in the user name and contact information should be a corporate e-mail.


It is important to fill in all the information in the new member registration section. Due to the double-blind reviewing system, author and institution information should not be included in the article uploaded to the system. This information should only be stated clearly in the relevant fields on the website. Your personal information that you enter on the website will only be seen by the editors.

Article Upload and Tracking

To upload your article, click the member login button and log in with the author option. The username is your email address. Please upload your article anonymously from the Article Submission section and fill in the necessary information. After evaluating the journal's compliance with the purpose, scope, publication principles and writing rules, two or more referees will be appointed by the editor.One of the options of acceptance, minor revision(I don't need to see the corrected version), major revision (I need to see the corrected version), or rejection will be determined by the referee. In case of revision, the revised text should be uploaded to the website after the author has completed the edits to the article. If the reviewer who made the decision to see the corrected version accepts the revised text, the final decision regarding the publication of the article will be made by the editor-in-chief. If it is decided to minor revision, the article is not sent back to the reviewer after editing, it is transferred directly to the section to be published with the decision of the editor. The article will be sent to the author's e-mail address for final checking before publication. It is published in the first appropriate issue after the author's final control in line with the instructions in the incoming e-mail. On average, the editorial evaluation of the articles is completed within 15 days, and the reviewer evaluation is completed within 30 days and published within 60 days.