Foreign Capital Inflows in Turkey as a Component of Formation Process of Productive Capital
Türkiye’de Üretken Sermaye Oluşum Sürecinin Bir Bileşeni Olarak Yabancı Sermaye Girişleri

Author : Umut ÜZAR
Number of pages : 124-138


The realization of capital accumulation and capitalist mode of production began in 1923 and continued until the 1960s. However, transition to the productive capital, which is of the utmost importance for the accumulation of capital has intensified in the 1960s. At first, it was aimed to develop productive capital in domestic market through a variety of government support within a protectionist environment. Then, after the slowing down of this strategy which was called import substitutive in the 1980s, industrial accumulation was canalized to the export. During the next decade it was tried to overcome the scarcity problem of the capital, which could not be achievedin form of foreign currency, by attracting portfolio investment to the country. In the 2000s, the transition of the capital accumulation to the sectors based on medium and high technology and high value added production were aimed. In all these periods, foreign capital inflows played an important role in Tukey. The aim of this study in this context is to analyze the effect of foreign direct investment on financing of the productive capital in Turkey from an historical perspective. Methodology employed herein is, by choosing sub-periods from Turkish Economy, to use the data belonging to sub-types of foreign capital investment. We conclude that state had been supporting foreign capital investment to overcome its financial constraints and there had been made a considerable progress in accumulation of productive capital.


Capital Accumulation, Short-term Capital Investment, Long-term Capital Investment

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