The Rapprochement of Iran with the West/the US and the Role of Turkey in the Negotiation Process
İran’ın Batı/ABD İle Yakınlaşması ve Müzakere Sürecinde Türkiye’nin Rolü

Author : Yusuf SAYIN
Number of pages : 442-453


Having considered the rapprochement of Iran and the West is a crucial and important step towards the rapprochement of the East and the West in one respect, the negotiations that the US and Europe conducted with Iran on the nuclear negotiations point to a ‘softening’ between the East and West worlds at the same time. Although the relations with Iran have begun to get tensed up by Trump's takeover of the Presidency again, the 'nuclear peace' having come with Iran is seen as ‘an extraordinary success’ which is special to President Obama and his Presidency, who is called as ‘an unsuccessful president’ by some international relations scholars and observers of foreign policy. It is not possible to deny the contribution of Turkey to reach the diplomatic and politic consensus of Ruhani-Obama, who are seen as actors of a new softening period for both Iran and the US –despite its vital contributions are ignored later–. To deliver; the share and contribution of Turkey is great to arrive at this compromise that would conclude in the nuclear agreement in 2015. Turkey has successfully managed its function to be a bridge and a mediatory between the East and the West worlds also in this diplomatic development. This study discusses the nuclear negotiations initiated by the Obama-Ruhani Interview, the Iran-West rapprochement, the intervention of Turkey during the process, and the regional and global political effects of the diplomatic reconciliation between the United States and Iran. Additionally, it has been limited with the period of 2012–2014 when Turkey’s contribution became the most intensive.


Iran, the US, Nuclear Negotiations, Turkey’s Role, Rapprochement

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