Relationships Between Employee Voice And Demographic Variables: A Study On Multinational Staff
İş Gören Sesliliğinin Demografik Değişkenler Açısından Değerlendirilmesi: Çokuluslu Bir Örneklem Üzerinde Çalışma

Author : Tuba BÜYÜKBEŞE -& Olcay OKUN & Behzat SAYIN
Number of pages : 309-322


Employee voice is defined as the expression of constructive thoughts rather than the criticism of organizational practices (Van Dyne ve LePine, 1998: 109). Employees by showing voice behavior, providing feedback to their organizations and contributing positively, organizations get the competitive advantage and it is life for success. In this study the differences in the demographic characteristics of the employee voice have been examined on a multinational sample of 598 personnel from 13 different countries working in the camps of NATO in Afghanistan from 20 August 2015 to 12 March 2016. The demographic variables (marital status, age, total working time, working time in Afghanistan, income status) were found to differ in terms of the employee voice. In this context, proposals are presented to increase the voice behaviors of workers with different demographic characteristics.


Employee Voice, Demographic Factors

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