“Irregular Labour Migration” as a Non-Wage Factor Influencing Labour Supply and its Effect on Labour Market in Turkey
İşgücü Sunumunu Etkileyen Ücret Dışı Bir Unsur Olarak "Düzensiz İşgücü Göçü" ve Türkiye İşgücü Piyasasına Etkisi

Author : Ekrem Ersin CESUR
Number of pages : 94-108


Neoliberal globalization age refers to as a process of integration of national markets due to the rapid change of information technologies and transportation. In this integration process, trade and finance have internationalized through the cross border commercial and financial transactions and, at the same time the structure of production and therefore the employment have also changed. The outcomes of this transformation show that globalization leads to significant increase in economic and social inequalities, both intercountry and within-country. This transformed structure which guarantees that the capital accumulation of developed countries causes economic and social exclusion in developing and underdeveloped countries, increasingly. However, marginalisation of excluded groups and growing conflicts threatening the whole world, in today. In this sense, the aim of this study is to examine phenomenon of irregular labour migration with its causes and consequences based on the neoclassical labour supply theory and, to show its effects on the Turkish labor market, especially after the Syrian civil war, in this new structure that the nation states have withdrawn from the economy in favor of market logic.


Labour supply, labour migration, labour market, wage, Turkey

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