Woman Managers Who Exceeding Glass Ceiling Syndrome : Career Stories Review
Cam Tavan Sendromunu Aşan Kadın Yöneticiler: Kariyer Öyküleri İncelemesi

Author : Yasemin ÖZDEMİR -& Zeynep SÖZCAN & Cansu ALAS
Number of pages : 347-356


Female employees who later join the working life are confronted with many different career problems. These career problems that women experience and in this study glass ceiling syndrome is caused by many individual, organizational and environmental factors. The correct identification of the source of the problem is very important in terms of finding and activating the solution in a shorter time. The introduction of strategies by women professionals outside of the family, especially those in family companies, could be a useful guide for other female professionals with a high likelihood of encountering glass roof syndrome. The aim of the work is to reveal the individual strategies that female executives traverse the glass ceiling. In this direction, career stories from the secondary data of 8 female executives who exceeded the glass ceiling were subjected to content analysis. It seems that all of the women executives apply the strategy of acquiring universities and vocational education especially from the strategies of overcoming glass ceiling. The strategy of solving the role conflict takes place as the second strategy that has been applied for a long time. The other is the importance of the organizational strategies in overcoming the glass ceiling.


Glass Ceiling Syndrome, Glass Ceiling Overrun Strategies, Career Stories

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