Examination of High School Teachers' Perceptions of Organizational Justice in Terms of Demographic Variables
Lise Öğretmenlerinin Örgütsel Adalet Algılarının Demografik Değişkenler Açısından İncelenmesi

Author : Hakan GÜRSOY
Number of pages : 22-38


This study was conducted to examine the relationship between high school teachers' perceptions of organizational justice and demographic variables. A total of 5746 teachers from 102 high school positions in 7 District borrowing central of Ankara province were selected as the study universe, and sampling was performed on 368 teachers using simple random method. In the evaluation of data, "Organizational Justice Scale" developed by Niehoff and Moorman (1993) was used in order to determine teachers' knowledge and relationships about organizational justice perceptions and subscales. Serinkan adapted this scale to Turkish version. In this research, the statements of "Organizational Justice Scale" consisting of distribution justice, process justice and interaction justice used in Onurlucan 's study were used. Reliability and construct validity were followed by factor analysis. Organizational justice scale, distributed justice, process justice and interaction justice were evaluated as three factors. A t-test was conducted for gender and One-Way Anova test was applied for the other variables. There was no significant relationship between the variables of "gender" and "education level" and organizational justice scale subscales. There was significant relationship between the variable of "age" and process justice and interaction justice. The variables of "working year in school" and " total working year In occupation" were found to be related to all three sub-dimensions of organizational justice.


Organizational justice, distributive justice, procedural justice, interactional justice.

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