Mushroom Management in The Information Age’s Universities
Bilgi Çağının Odak Noktası Üniversitelerde Mantar Yönetimi

Author : Erol TEKİN -& Nihan BİRİNCİOĞLU
Number of pages : 22-29


Mushroom management is a metaphor that emerges recently in the management literature, which states that managers are generally not willing to be questioned and criticized by employees so that they keep the power and knowledge at hand in one central place. According to this metaphor, the managers leave the subordinates in the darkness which means they only provide the resources to their subordinates to do their duties without the explanations, as it is in mushroom cultivation. Managers believe that it is enough for increasing the performance. This study was based on the basic research question: "Is there any sense of mushroom management among the research assistants who are thought to be the future of the countries and the faculty members who guide them and also who are in various administrative positions?” In this context, it is aimed to determine whether there is such a problem in universities and to evaluate the exposure levels of research assistants in mushroom management style. Within this framework, interviews were held with research assistants at two public universities in Turkey. As a result of the interviews, it is revealed that there is a mushroom management style in the universities which are focal point of the information age. In addition, the research assistants’ performances, motivations levels and also their loyalty have been negatively influenced by the existence of the mushroom management style.


Mushroom Management, Metaphor, Information Asimetry, University

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