A Research On Using Social Medıa And The Tendency Of Conspicuous Consumption
Sosyal Medya Kullanımı ve Sembolik Tüketim Eğilimi Üzerine Bir Araştırma

Author : Fatma İNCE
Number of pages : 107-113


Consumer behaviors are directed by psychological needs as well as physiological needs. Individuals who act with impulsions, such as the feeling of security, dressing and getting as much respect as the need for satisfaction, being adopted by others, belonging to a group and admirableness, act with the tendency to create a certain social identity. For this reason, behaviors such as brand preference, attracting attention by dressing differently and carrying the symbols belonging to a specific group are observed. One of these dispositions is the symbolic consumption tendency in which consumption is used as a personal expression and gives the impression that it belongs to a certain social group. In the tendency of symbolic consumption, the individual identifies himself by a certain identity and wants to gain a position in the social structure according to this identity. Thus, the individual conveys symbols such as power, status and individual differences to others by their preference for consumption. There are many variables contributing to consumer behavior, such as the internet and social media tools, which tend to drive individual behavior. From this point of view, a questionnaire survey based on the full inventory count to 300 business school students investigated whether there was a difference in the symbolic consumption tendency in terms of social media use and demographic factors. According to the data obtained from 132 male and 168 female participants, there are some differences between groups in symbolic consumption behaviors such as deluxe consumption and purchasing products that would appeal to others, based on the gender, income, social status and using of social media. According to the results of the research; the group means of the male, lower level income, highest social status and higher using of social media have a higher symbolic consumption tendency than others.


Social Media, Using of Social Media, The Tendency of Symbolic Consumption, Consumer Behaviors

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