Poverty In Turkey İn The Context Of Amartya Sen’s Capacİty–Ability Approach
Amartya Sen'in Kapasite - Yapabilirlik Yaklaşımı Bağlamında Türkiye'de Yoksulluk Durumu

Author : Sema BUZ -& Edip AYGÜLER
Number of pages : 177-189


Poverty is one of the biggest global problems of our time, actively tackled to resolve, especially by international organizations. Poverty, which can be defined as the inability to meet basic human needs such as shelter, education, health, can be seen even in the most developed countries of the world. Recently, definitions of the poverty have been made that address not only with economic context but also refer the human aspect of poverty. The ability (capacity) approach, which was put forward by Amartya Sen and adopted by the United Nations and its associate United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), is also one of the new definitions of poverty that oppose definitions that describe poverty only in terms of income. Sen describes poverty as deprived of ability and views the concept of ability as a competence to refrain from situations no one would want such as hunger, illness, lack of education, bad living conditions. Sen discusses poverty as a paucity of capacity, rather than income, and do not accept income alone as an indicator of poverty. In this study, the poverty situation in Turkey was handled within the framework of the ability approach of Amartya Sen by using the data of Turkish Statistical Institute (TURKSTAT / TÜİK).


Amartya Sen, Poverty, Social work, Capability approach, Social work and poverty.

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