The Location Of Byzantine Monuments In Tourism In Cappadocia: Sample Of Korama
Kapadokya’daki Bizans Eserlerinin Turizm İçindeki Yeri: Göreme Örneği

Number of pages : 95-103


Byzantium Empire which came into power in the 4th Century and until the mid 15th Century ruled many regions during its reign and Anatolia was the center of this reign. By interacting with the art movements and the Empire played a leading role in the development of Christian art which had come out as a new movement then. With that significant role it played on art, it made Byzantium Art an influential part of the Medieval times. Byzantium Art also interacts with Syrian and Egyptian as well as Anotalia where its source for art come from. The most beautiful and magnificent works of art were mainly built in Istanbul as it was once the capital city. We can see traces of Byzantium art outside Istanbul, located in Anatolia as well. The Byzantium Churches in Anatolia have nowadays become pilgrim centers for Christianity which has many members from all over the world and forms 1/5 of the world’s population. People all over the world visit these churches within the framework of religion tourism. This creates a very important source (of income) for the Turkish tourism. One of the most important examples of Byzantium Art in Anatolia is Korama Open Air Museum which was built as a church originally but has now been turned into a museum. The Korama Open Air Museum hosts guests visiting as a part of the religion tourism. In this study effects of Byzantium Art, the history of Cappadocia and Korama Open Air Museum the importance of the museum within the Turkish tourism have been looked into detail.


Cappadocia, Byzantine Monuments, Tourism, Korama

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