The Effects of Decisions Taken at the Izmir Economy Congress on the Economic Policies of the Period
1923 İzmir İktisat Kongresinde Alınan Kararların Dönemin İktisat Politikalarına Etkileri

Author : İbrahim Onur KOÇAŞLI
Number of pages : 134-148


When we look at the recent economic photo of the Ottoman Empire, we see an economic structure raw material exporters, industrial importers in the world and foreign borrowers have been given permanent privileges with the administration of Duyun-i Umumiye. It is possible to observe that the economic situation of the country is generally outsourced, and at the same time, it has weak production state because of the wars and the struggle for independence. The conception of the acquisition of economic independence as a basis in the Izmir Economy Congress, which was gathered before the declaration of the Republic, emerges as a period planning that draws the main frame of economic and development policies to be implemented after that day. With this understanding, the decisions of the İzmir Economy Congress are worth considering from a planning perspective as a development plan. The study is important because it considers the decisions of the Izmir Economy Congress as one of the republican planning experiences. In the study, it was aimed to determine the effects of the decisions taken at the 1923 İzmir Economy Congress on the economic policies of the period and to determine whether the results of the conclusions were related to the decisions taken in the Congress at the end of the period. Within this scope, how did the economic policies applied with the decisions taken in İzmir Economics Congress changed? As a result of these changes, are the targets to be achieved reached at the end of the term? These are the basic questions that the study of a comprehensive literature survey is the main research method. In order to monitor the results of the policy implementation as well as the literature review, statistical data prepared for the period were used.


İzmir Economy Congress, Economic Policies, Economic Planning

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