Calculating Decisions of Terrorist Leaders via a Poliheuristic Decision-Making Model: The Case of Osama bin Laden and 9/11 Terror Attacks
Poliheuristik Karar Verme Modeliyle Terörist Liderlerin Karar Hesabı: Usame Bin Ladin ve 11 Eylül Terör Saldırıları Örneği

Author : Altun ALTUN
Number of pages : 182-189


The study field of international relations have now become shifted from states to leaders in foreign policy analysis. This article is an attempt to understand the decisions of terrorist organization leaders. According to the poliheuristic decision-making model, while decision-makers reject politics that are in unacceptable critical dimensions for themselves and chose and alternative from the subset of the remaining options, they maximize their benefits and minimize risks The purpose of this study is the objective is to make an analysis with a poliheuristic decision-making model, derive the decision codes of the terrorist leader and show the usage of decision calculation. Recent studies on terrorism are generally related to terrorist motives and suicide bombers. Although these studies contribute to a great extent in our understanding of terrorism and suicide bombers, we cannot say the same for strategic decision calculations of terrorist leaders. This study aimed to analyze the decision calculation process of Al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden in the case of the 9/11 terrorist attacks.


Decision Making, Poliheuristic Theory, 9/11 Terror Attacks

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