Child Friendly Cities for the Realization of Children's Rights
Çocuk Haklarının Gerçekleşmesi Açısından Çocuk Dostu Kentler

Author : Şafak KAYPAK -& Armağan UÇAR
Number of pages : 17-29


This study aims to look at cities on the basis of a child friendly city in terms of the fulfillment of children's rights. Cities are growing and getting away from people. To make a city child friendly is concerned with the conditions to be provided for the physical, mental, emotional and moral development of future generations. The values that children express for their families and what they attribute to them vary within the frame of social structure, social life, living space, material and spiritual possibilities. Children are born as human beings with inalienable human rights which they can not have but at least should have like adults. The reason of the need for the Child-Friendly City Project depended on the Universal Convention on the Rights of the Child which is based on human rights, the features that these cities should possess, and the realization of the children’s rights constitute the subject of this study. In this context, the child friendly city approach, which is a compulsory regulation in our country so as to adapt to the European Union, is investigated in accordance with the realization of children's rights.


City, urbanization, children, children's rights, child friendly city.

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