The Relationship Between Familial Poverty/Wealth And Education/Academic Achievement: An Empirical Study With PISA 2015 Data
Ailenin Yoksulluğu/Zenginliği İle Eğitim/Akademik Başarı Arasındaki İlişki: PISA 2015 Verileri İle Ampirik Bir Çalışma

Author : Zeynep KARAMAN -& Ahmet YILDIRIM
Number of pages : 343-350


Poverty could be defined as being deprived of economic, cultural and social capital. Familial poverty may have negative impact on adults and children. However, children are more vulnerable to familial poverty in the way that it may result in children’s droping out of school or having academic failure. The aim of the present study is twofold. First of all, it is aimed to review literature and present the relationship between education and familial poverty/wealth in terms of several variables. The second aim of the study is to investigate how “family wealth index” predicts Turkish students’ science, mathematics and reading literacy via simple linear regression. “Family index” variable is estimated based on some items in PISA student questionnaire. It was found out that familial wealth predicts students’ science, mathematics and reading literacy significantly. That’s is to say, there is a significant positive correlation between familial wealth and academic achievement. To put differently, as familial poverty increases, academic achievement tends to decrease. The findings were discussed with the findings available in the literature and suggestions were put forward based on the findings.


Education, academic achievement, familial poverty, familial wealth, PISA

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