Evaluation of the current structure and processes of ministry strategic plan applications in Turkey
Türkiye’de Bakanlıkların Stratejik Plan Uygulamalarında Mevcut Yapı ve Sürecin Değerlendirilmesi

Author : Sait AŞGIN -& Kemal YAMAN
Number of pages : 449-466


In the Turkish Public Administration concept, the Strategic Planning Application becoming a legal responsibility happened in early 2000s, and the Strategic Planning applications being realized in practice started in 2010.In this study, the aim is examining the difficulties in the transition process to the strategic planning in Public Sector in Turkey and the problems in its application. It is also aimed that the reasons of these difficulties are measured in a multiple manner. For this purpose, the Face-to-Face Questionnaire Method was used. The application of the questionnaire was realized on 52 subjects who were randomly selected from among the people who participated to the Strategic Planning Training organized by the Ministry of Development in the scope of a project supported by the EU. The participation to the questionnaire was voluntary and was realized at hours other than the training hours and the findings were evaluated.


Strategic planning, Stratejik management, Strategic planning training

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