Marketing Viewpoint of Society and Underlying Reasons: Nevşehir Sample
Toplumun Pazarlamaya Bakış Açısı ve Bunun Gerisinde Yatan Nedenler: Nevşehir Örneği

Author : Bilal ERDEM -& Bülent ÇİZMECİ
Number of pages : 562-576


By deepening competition in consequence of some changes and developments such as come into prominence of demand of consumers by becoming more conscious and selective, increasing substitute goods in number, information processing, development of communication and manufacturing technologies, expanding cover area and acceleration of globalization process, etc. marketing of products gained importance and unexceptionally all companies verged several marketing strategies in order to provide it. In such an environment while individuals consisting society are exposed to continuous marketing communication messages on the other hand companies apply marketing messages in order to keep their markets and enlarge if possible and to make more sales to achieve their objectives. These expressions show that generally society and individually consumers will exposure to marketing communication messages in the next periods. Social, political, cultural, economic, technological, demographical, etc. developments in community life caused fundamental changes in course of action of society and individuals who are expressed as consumers by marketing science and complicated to define and deliver effective messages to them. Additionally rapid change and development in computer and communication field enabled consumers to obtain information about products from different independent sources except manufacturers. If to say in brief; consumers in our day take more rationalist decisions and apply them also want to see the benefits of company for environment and society besides the benefits they will gain. Shortly, consumers in our day don’t take decision with the promotional messages only also observe the advantages, marketing facilities and actions of company completely then taka purchase decision. In such an environment companies should determine their marketing strategies as constituting a synergy on behalf of company and they should organize their marketing facilities according to marketing viewpoint of society above all.


Marketing, strategy, consumer, customer, social impacts

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