Westernization from the Tanzimat to the Republic: The Image of New Ottomans in the Novel of “Külhani Enteller”
Tanzimat’tan Cumhuriyet’e Batılılaşma: “Külhani Enteller” Romanında Yeni Osmanlılar İmgesi

Author : Ayşe ÇİÇEK
Number of pages : 86-99


The adventure of Turkish novel, which begins after the Tanzimat (Imperial Edict of Reorganization) with the translation and imitation of western novels, sheds light on the westernization and transformation process in political life in Turkey. Westernization and modernization phenomena, which have a central place in the works of novelists such as Ahmet Mithat Efendi, Recaizade Mahmut Ekrem and Halide Edip Adıvar along with the Tanzimat, have become the main themes of Turkish political life as well as literature. One of the works that gives important clues about the modernization process in Turkish political life and mirrors the process from the Tanzimat period until the establishment of the Turkish Republic, is the novel entitled Külhani Enteller (Edipler), which was published for the first time in 1926 by Fazlı Necip. In this article, Külhani Enteller is examined by content analysis method and the new Ottomans movement, which was considered as the triangulation point of modern movements, and political and intellectual studies of this period are addressed. While analyzing the relationship between Tanzimat and modernization through the novel, it is also discussed how the modernization process is explained through the signs of westernization in the novel. In the novel, the political period which has began with the Tanzimat and extends from I. and II. Constitutional Monarchy to the Turkish Republic and the phenomenon of westernization is mentioned through a family of Khidivis. The New Ottomans, who formed an opposition in the Tanzimat Era, criticized the fact that the Tanzimat was not based on a philosophy and that the modernization was perceived as an imitation of the western lifestyle, and that Western civilization was seen as arising from just formalism.


Külhani Enteller/ Edipler, Tanzimat, New Ottomans, Westernization, Modernization.

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