Defense spending in GDP and Employment Impact on: The Case of Turkey 1991-2016
İstihdam ve Savunma Harcamaları’nın GSYH Üzerindeki Etkisi:1991-2016 Türkiye Örneği

Author : Celile ALTAY -, İbrahim Halil Sugözü
Number of pages : 258-270


One of the most important indicators of the economic power and success of an economy grows economically. Economic growth has increased in the GDP, Which is the monetary expression of total goods and services produced in a given period in a given country. Economic growth is expected to bring employment growth. But the realization of this expectation has created an important area of controversy among economists. Every country wants to realize full employment. Full emoloyment, everyone who wants to work at the current wage level can find jobs. Defense expenditure has an important place in Turkey's economy with the past to the present for several reasons. There are two different views on whether military spending reduces or enhances the impact on economic growth: the "Military Keynesian Approach" and the "Neo-Classical Approach". The aim of this study is to include Turkey in the 1991-2016 year defense spending and its impact on employment, economic growth, unit root test, Johansen cointegration test, explain and DOLS and FMOLS cointegration forecasters aid.


Ekonomic Growth, Defense Spending,Employment,Unit Root Test Cointegration Tests.

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