On The Conflict Sustained Through Symbols: Symbolic Conflict Theory
Semboller Aracılığıyla Sürdürülen Çatışma Üzerine: Sembolik Çatışma Kuramı

Author : Safiye ATEŞ
Number of pages : 680-689


Symbols play key roles (pozitive or negative) in conflicts and especially comtemporary peace processes. When we look at the researches about the cases, where conflict persists after peace accord, there can be seen that symbols and rituals have missing but substantive influences. These are called as secondary issues, which are coded as cultural issues. Symbols, of course, are not the main reasons for conflict or the most important issues that will lead to reconciliation. However, when we look at the symbolic area, it is understood that the crackler who sustained there fed the violent conflict and the peace process was regressed. Because of that the politicians produce new symbols for mobilizing the in-group, attemp to increase the legitimacy of their symbols at the expense of decreasing the legitimacy of other’s, appropriate the out-group symbols or destroy the symbols of out-group. These type of conflict is symbolic conflict, which is theorized by Simon Harrison. Symbolic conflict is extremely important in terms of analyzing violent conflict or peace process correctly. Because symbols have a primary role in the manipulation of emotions, in the transformation of worldview, and in the formation of group boundaries. In this study, symbolic conflict theory and ideal types of this theory, which have recently been valued in conflict resolution and peace studies, will be transferred.


Political Symbols, Symbolic Conflict, Simon Harrison,

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