Develop a Political Philosophy in the Foundation of the Founder Basic Dynamics, an Evaluation in the Axis of Hilmi Ziya Ulken's Thought of Dominance
Medeniyet Kurucu Temel Dinamikler Ekseninde Bir Siyaset Felsefesi Geliştirmek, Hilmi Ziya Ülken’in Hâkimiyet Düşüncesi Ekseninde Bir Değerlendirme

Author : Mehmet Latif BAKIŞ
Number of pages : 132-138


Throughout the history of humanity, the concept of civilization and barbarism which are thought to be the opposite are discussed together. Barbarism, brute force, destructiveness, invasion, established hostility, rudeness, such as the meanings have been described. Civilization means to establish a settled order, to have a profession and art, to establish regular, lawful, fair regimes, to be registered with morality and law, to deal with culture, art, science and philosophy and to transfer these knowledge and abilities from generation to generation. One of the first concepts that comes to mind is the culture which associates with civilization. Culture is the easiest and the most difficult concept to define and describe human existence. Its difficulty arises from the fact that those within that culture are not aware of it. Another concept brought to mind by civilization and culture is personality. Personality is the person that makes that person and the values that are adopted. The person who has turned into a personality is the only one. A society consisting of people (individuals) defined as the only copy or unique, and the political administration of that society, must be compatible with each other in the context of the idea of construction and civilization. The institutional structure of the political state structure (Education, Law, Economy, Religion, Army) and the individual values which are the human equivalent of them (Wisdom, Justice, Schecaat, Mercy, Courage) have to be compatible with each other, to be complete, to function in accordance with the purpose and the meaning of necessity as a virtue It is.


Civilization, Culture, Virtue, Politics, Morality

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